Yn cynrychioli holl wasanaethau safonau masnach ledled Cymru
Representing all trading standards services across Wales

Trading Standards Wales News

Man jailed for selling cars illegally

A man has been jailed for three years for selling almost 300 accident-damaged cars to unsuspecting customers.

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Facebook seller prosecuted for selling counterfeit clothing

A Facebook trader from Pontypool has pleaded guilty to the sale and possession of counterfeit clothing including North Face, Chanel, Nike and Dior.

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‘Oldest Loan Shark in the UK’ ordered to pay over £173,000 by Cardiff Court

An 83-year-old loan shark has been ordered to pay back over £173,000 of her ill-gotten gains, with more than £35,000 returned to her victims in compensation

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Fleur de Lis couple sentenced for illegal dog breeding and animal welfare offences

Colin and Ruth Williams of Glanddu Road, Fleur de Lis were jointly sentenced at Newport Magistrates Court for unlicensed dog breeding, Animal Welfare Act 2006 offences and failing to indicate in adverts that puppies were being advertised by a dog breeder contrary to The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

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Welsh Trading Standards Services and key partners join forces to tackle rogue traders

As part of Trading Standards Wales Week, pre-planned days of action targeting rogue traders and doorstep crime took place across Wales

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Trading Standards Wales Week - Day 5 - Cheap and Nasty

Trading Standards Wales warn consumers about cheap imports and counterfeits and remind them of the expression “buy cheap, buy twice”. Occasionally, that 'bargain' could cost more than expected.

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