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Representing all trading standards services across Wales

Don’t be caught out on the doorstep this Christmas

As the Christmas and New Year festivities begin, individuals and organised groups of criminals look to take advantage of consumers requiring work at their home. The cost of living crisis provides an opportunity for fraudsters to capitalise on offers on solar panels, loft insulation, double or triple glazing and boiler replacements but may not be genuine.

National Trading Standards’ (NTS) has reported a significant 85% increase in green home improvement scams between August and September 2022.

Trading Standards Wales are warning consumers to please be aware of doorstep callers attempting to sell their services and are offering the following tips:
‘If in doubt, keep them out!’ – Always ask yourself if you would have had the work done if the trader hadn’t called  
Avoid paying in cash. Do not go to the bank or cash point with a trader
Do your research. Always get at least three quotes before agreeing to have work done
Discuss any work you feel needs carrying out on your property with friends and family
Don’t agree to any work or sign anything straight away. You can say no and close the door
Do not be pressured into having any work carried out.

If you think a rogue trader is operating in your community or someone you know has become a doorstep crime victim then report it to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or visit their website.
If you need advice to help with a dispute, concern or suspicion call Citizens Advice on 0808 223 1133, alternatively you can use the following link.


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