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Representing all trading standards services across Wales

Facebook sellers admit peddling fake designer items

Two women have admitted to trading in counterfeit designer goods, using selling groups on Facebook. 

The women had set up selling groups and were advertising hundreds of items, including fake Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors and Givenchy clothing, as well as counterfeit Nike and Adidas products at a fraction of the recommended retail prices. 

Officers from Torfaen Council's Trading Standards team also found counterfeit footwear, bags and Apple Airpods after warrants were executed to search their properties. 

Tarin Jones, from Northville, Cwmbran, admitted three charges of selling and possessing for sale counterfeit goods at Cwmbran Magistrates on 8 December 2022. She was sentenced to a conditional discharge for a period of 12 months and ordered to pay the Council’s costs of £419.85, and a victim surcharge of £22.  

Hayleigh Matthews, from Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran, also pleaded guilty to three charges of selling counterfeit Apple AirPods and possessing for sale fake designer bags at Cwmbran Magistrates Court on 9 February 2023. She was given a fine of £350, ordered to pay costs of £400.12, and a victim surcharge of £35, amounting to a total of £785.12.

They were both given credit for their early guilty pleas.

Councillor Mandy Owen, Executive Member for Environment said: "This should be seen as a deterrent to people who think they can make money by selling fake goods via social media platforms. 

"Torfaen’s Trading Standards team works extremely hard to tackle the sale and supply of counterfeit goods. People caught selling such items don't just risk getting a fine, their financial affairs can also be investigated, where Courts can confiscate any monies or assets that they can't prove have been earned legitimately. They also risk the possibility of facing a prison sentence.

"Counterfeit goods are usually of poor quality and can sometimes be unsafe. Through purchasing such items, consumers are supporting illegal and criminal traders, and undermining legitimate businesses. I am urging residents to only buy goods from reputable or accredited sellers."

Anyone with information about counterfeit goods can contact the Torfaen Trading Standards team on 01633 647623 or e-mail trading.standards@torfaen.gov.uk

Further information be found at http://www.torfaen.gov.uk/en/Business/TradingStandards/Trading-Standards.aspx

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