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Representing all trading standards services across Wales

Welsh Trading Standards Services and key partners join forces to tackle rogue traders

As part of Trading Standards Wales Week, pre-planned days of action targeting rogue traders and doorstep crime took place across Wales. 

Local authorities throughout Wales participated with a variety of actions encompassing static stop checks on traders and vehicles, mobile patrols of local hotspots and cold calling control zones, a variety of media campaigns including Facebook and X (Twitter), with podcasts also being utilised reminding residents about staying safe and checks to make to help identify rogue businesses.

Visits were made to residents who have repeatedly been the victims of scams and rogue trading. In addition, individuals suspected in the involvement of the illegal sale and distribution of vapes and illicit tobacco were targeted. Four arrests were made in relation to the illegal sale and distribution of vapes and illicit tobacco – enquiries are ongoing.

Static stop checks were carried out with various partners including Welsh police forces and other enforcement agencies. A variety of checks were carried out on both vehicles and businesses in order to ensure that paperwork being provided to consumers was clear and not misleading and where needed, the consumers right of cancellation was clearly visible and set out in compliance with Trading Standards legislation. 

Where traders were found to be non-compliant, they were issued with ‘on the spot’ advice and provided with a guidance pack containing information on how to comply with the regulations. Vehicle checks included roadworthiness of the company vehicle and any claims made such as being members of a trade organisation that may have been sign-written on vehicles.

Vehicles were also weighed to ensure they were not overloaded and compliant with the Road Traffic Act 1988 and The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986. 

Mobile checks were also carried out in areas where increased incidents of rogue trading had been reported with various locations visited throughout Wales. Residents were spoken to and given advice on contracting on the doorstep and traders working at addresses given advice and guidance where necessary. 

Leaflet drops with advice and guidance on engaging with cold callers were distributed to homeowners in areas known to be targeted by rogue traders and where there is a high elderly/vulnerable population.

Safeguarding visits took place across multiple local authorities to provide reassurance, advice and guidance to individuals who have been repeatedly targeted or have repeatedly lost money to scam activities.

In addition, several colleagues also engaged with media outlets to provide advice and guidance using Facebook and X (Twitter).

Future planned activities taking place to coincide with Trading Standards Wales Week include joint visits with partners to vulnerable consumers and further mobile checks with partners. 

Judith Parry, Chair of Trading Standards Wales, said:

“Our ability to work together as enforcement teams and with key partners is clear to see in Wales – we strive to protect the public from rogue traders who are more eager than ever to fool residents into parting with money at a time when many people are struggling financially.

"Our aim is to tackle the rogues and to support and protect our residents, particularly those who are vulnerable to scams and doorstep crime."

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