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Representing all trading standards services across Wales

Aberdare Shop CLOSED for Illegal Vape/Tobacco Sales!

On Friday, 8th November a Closure Notice was served to the proprietors of Aberdare Off Licence, located at 33 Victoria Square, Aberdare. This action was taken due to the illegal supply of vapes and tobacco products, including sales to underage individuals. The Closure Notice was issued under Section 76 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act 2014.

On Monday, 11th November, Merthyr Magistrates’ Court granted a Closure Order for the premises. As a result, the shop has now been boarded up and is required to remain closed for a total of three months.

Prior to the issuing of the Closure Notice, Aberdare Off Licence was the subject of numerous complaints and investigations:

  • Complaints Received: Trading Standards received 25 complaints regarding the business from members of the public and concerned parents. These ranged from sales of vapes and tobacco to minors, to the sale of illicit cigarettes and high-capacity vapes to adults.
  • Intelligence Reports: South Wales Police submitted eight intelligence reports to Trading Standards, while HMRC submitted one.
  • Test Purchases and Seizures: Eight test purchases were conducted, leading to six enforcement visits by Trading Standards. These visits resulted in the seizure of 796 illegal vapes and 16,656 illicit cigarette sticks, equivalent to approximately 832.8 packets. Some products were found in hidden concealments within the premises.
  • Authenticity Checks: Samples of seized products were checked and confirmed that all products tested were counterfeit.

During the visit to serve the Closure Notice, Trading Standards officers were also able to intercept an illegal high-capacity vape sale.

The sale of Illegal vapes can be seriously harmful for the public as they tend to contain either a nicotine strength level exceeding the 2% legal limit, or they have a tank capacity exceeding the maximum 2ml limit.

They may also contain illegal, potentially harmful chemicals.

The sale and use of illicit e-cigarettes, which do not conform to the necessary product standards, place users at risk of ingesting unsafe levels of metals such as nickel, lead and chromium and other harmful substances.

The Trading Standards team in Rhondda Cynon Taf, like other County Boroughs in the UK are witnessing an increase in illegal vape supply across the high street, with vapes often reaching children and non-smokers. To date, over 1,700 vapes have been seized this year.

Councillor Bob Harris, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities, said:

“I am pleased to see this Closure Notice issued and I hope it sends a clear message about our commitment to tackle these issues head on.

“We would urge the public to be incredibly mindful over what they are inhaling. The laws around e-cigarettes are there for a reason.

“We don’t know the long-term health impacts of illegal vapes, and there is a real risk that unregulated vapes contain either a dangerous level of nicotine or chemicals you don’t know you’re inhaling.

“While we continue to work with our partners to clamp down on the illegal selling of vapes, especially to under-age children, we are aware it continues to happen and we would urge any young person who is purchasing vapes, either online or in a store, to check what is contained within them.

“All legal vapes are marked with the kite mark and have the CE sign – this shows they meet the legal requirements.

“Don’t put your health at risk by chasing the nicotine high.”

“Trading Standards remains committed to enforcing and re-enforcing when needed of closure orders in Rhondda Cynon Taf, sending a clear message against the supply of illegal products in the community. We will continue to do all that we can to protect the community from the danger that these products could cause.”

 The Council has also been made aware of the emerging link between vaping and the exploitation of children.

The prominent use of vapes among young people means they are increasingly being promised by criminals and county lines groups alongside traditional methods like cash, trainers and food.

This exploitation can take many forms including sexual exploitation or underage recruitment where criminals coerce young people into distributing or selling vaping products illegally.

The Council is asking parents to please be aware of this link and to look out for the signs that your child may be being exploited.

The upcoming Environmental Protection (Single Use Vapes) (Wales) Regulations 2024, effective from 1st June 2025, aims to combat these issues.

The dedicated Trading Standards team in RCT employs various methods, including vape and tobacco detection dogs to identify concealed products. The reliance on concealments indicates the operators’ awareness of their illegal activities. Partnerships within and outside the council are crucial in addressing this growing issue.

While court actions have led to convictions, fines are often insufficient deterrents. Businesses frequently change ownership to evade consequences, and after closure orders expire, operations might resume.

If members of the public have any information about people who they believe may be engaged in illegal trading activities or anyone who they believe may be a victim of such activity, then they can report their concerns directly to Trading Standards using the Illegal Activity Online Form. 

For further information, please visit www.rctcbc.gov.uk/TradingStandards

Image from Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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